Top Tips for Brining Your Premature Baby Home

Having a premature baby can be a frightening experience for new parents. Often new parents are nervous about bringing baby home from the hospital. However, remember that your baby has gotten the best care possible and the doctors and nurses would not release the baby if he or she was not ready to head home. When the time comes to bring your newest family member home, the following tips can be a tremendous help.

Take time to get adjusted

Even though you may have been parents for weeks or even months, bringing your baby home will be a huge adjustment. Up until you are ready to take your child home, all of your interactions will have taken place within the hospital. Once you are home, you will be responsible for the full time care. It will take time to learn your child’s schedule, and to adjust your own. Relax, you will get it all figured out. Give yourself some time. Nap when you can, and ask for help when you need it. If you are lucky enough to have grandparents, aunts, uncles, or a great friend in the area, let them help.


Even full term babies are often too small for newborn clothing. A premature baby will wear premature baby clothes are designed specifically for babies who are born early. Clothing may not be used when your baby is in the hospital due to wires, and concern about baby’s delicate skin. However, once you get home, you will want to have a few sleepers. Nightgowns are perfect for nighttime wear. They make middle of the night diaper changes a lot faster and easier. It is important to keep your baby warm enough, hats and booties can help with that. It is a good idea to not buy too much in the smallest size. Just like full term babies, premature babies grow quickly. To look over a wide selection of clothing made for the premature baby click here.

As you begin your family life at home remember the above tips. Give yourself time to rest and adjust to your new schedule and your new role as parents. Take help when it is offered. Buy easy to wear clothing designed for your child’s smaller size. Most importantly, relax and enjoy every moment.

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